Focus and Scope

Fokus kajian JOIN (Journal of Community Empowerment and Innovation) adalah pada daya saing Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) dan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES), kerjasama antar pemerintah desa, kapasitas organisasi perempuan, kreativitas dan inovasi teknologi informasi dalam pendidikan dan pembelajaran di sekolah dan perguruan tinggi, lembaga sosial kemasyarakatan dalam penanggulangan bencana, litigasi penyelesaian sengketa di masyarakat, produktivitas industri pengolahan makanan, kesehatan masyarakat, mendorong pengembangan praksis kebijakan pemerintah, penerapan teknologi tepat guna, inovasi teknologi informasi, dan model pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam kerangka ekosistem pembangunan manusia dan lingkungan flora dan fauna sejalan dengan isu-isu tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs).

JOIN (Journal of Community Empowerment and Innovation) focused on the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) and Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDES), cooperation between village governments, the capacity of women's organizations, creativity and information technology innovation in education and learning in schools and universities, social institutions in disaster management, litigation for resolving disputes in the community, the productivity of the food processing industry, public health, encouraging the development of government policy praxis, application of appropriate technology, information technology innovation, and community empowerment models within the ecosystem framework human development and flora and fauna environment in line with the issues of sustainable development goals (SDGs).