Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Masa Depan dan Kekinian Berbasis Agama, Filsafat, Psikologi dan Sosiologi;Implementasinya dalam Lembaga Pendidikan

Studi Kasus: SMPN 1 Purwakarta, Jawa Barat

  • Nandang Koswara Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Wiwik Dyah Aryani Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Lia Yulianti Politeknik Bhakti Asih Purwakarta, Jawa barat, Indonesia
  • Armiyanti Armiyanti Politeknik Bhakti Asih Purwakarta, Jawa barat, Indonesia
  • Nova Rati Lova Politeknik Bhakti Asih Purwakarta, Jawa barat, Indonesia
Keywords: Kepemimpinan, Lembaga Pendidikan, Model Kepemimpinan Masa Depan


This study aims to examine the future educational leadership model based on the perspectives of religion, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, as well as their implications in educational institutions. The locus of this research is the Prince SMPN 1 Purwakarta Jawa Barat. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Interviews were conducted directly with informants, consisting of the school principal,  the vice principal, and educational staffs in the educational institution. The results of observations and documentation were obtained from various studies of documents, manuscripts, and archives related to the implementation of educational leadership at SMPN 1 Purwakarta Jawa Barat. The results of the study indicate that the educational leadership model for the future in SMPN 1 Purwakarta after direct interviews with all parties involved in educational institutions can be explained in the discussion of this study


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How to Cite
Koswara, N., Aryani, W. D., Yulianti, L., Armiyanti, A., & Lova, N. (2023). Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Masa Depan dan Kekinian Berbasis Agama, Filsafat, Psikologi dan Sosiologi;Implementasinya dalam Lembaga Pendidikan. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Kewirausahaan, 11(1), 170-184.