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Author Guidelines
To submit a manuscript for Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan, there are two ways:
- Please login with the fill user and password here. If you do not have a user and password, please register first here. Or
- Or send the manuscript to email jurnalpendidikandankwu@stkippgri-situbondo.ac.id, with the subject "SUBMISSION"
- Please publish articles that follow the template authored by this journal, you can download it here. Articles that do not follow the rules will not be processed.
- The manuscript is the result of research, has never been published, is scientific, and contains elements of present and novelty.
- The title of the script should be accurate, concise, informative, clear, and easy to understand. Typed in capital letters Times New Roman 12, in bold, except in foreign terms italicized (italic).
- The manuscript is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English with due regard to the rules on the use of standard language, punctuation, and spelling.
- The script is typed 1 space on A4 paper, Times New Roman letter, size 12, with a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 20 pages (excluding attachment and referral list).
- The author's name and identity (origin of the institution and email address) are listed under the heading.
- Abstracts are made in Indonesian and English, not exceeding 200 words. Placed before the introduction, for abstract English typed italic, with font size 11, with spacing 1 (one) space
- Keywords are written below the abstract, consisting of 3 - 5 (three to five) words.
- The table is numbered sequentially, the title of the table is placed on it and the maximum consists of 7 (seven) words, a maximum of 7 (seven) tables.
- Images are numbered consecutively, the title of the image is placed underneath and a maximum of 10 (ten) words.
- Supported at least 10 (ten) referral lists, 80% refer to references that meet contemporary elements, or published the last 10 (ten) years except for the main theory, and at least 70% from the primary source of reference.
- References used in the body of the manuscript should be on the referral list, as well as the references listed in the reference list should be used in the manuscript.
- The list of references is presented following Harvard (APA Style) writing procedures using Mendeley, Endnote, or similar reference management. When not using reference management software then sorted alphabetically and chronologically. At the end of each reference (especially a journal article) is linked with a digital object identifier (DOI) using Crossref.