Market Sensing Capabilities, Inovasi Produk sebagai Peningkatan Competitive Advantage pada UMKM Produk Pangan Olahan Terkemas Kecamatan Tutur

  • Nuraeni Nuraeni Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Devta Argu Santia


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has notified all countries that one-third of the global
economy will experience an economic recession this year. The global economic recession is expected to
occur due to the slowing economies of the United States (US), the European Union, and China. In facing an
economic recession, there is one economic actor that is expected to be the savior of the country's economy,
namely Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSMEs of oilahan teirkeimas food products are
MSMEs that produce processed products from plantations, agriculture, and livestock. This is very
supportive of the Tutur District area which is rich in crops and livestock, so that packaged processed food
products MSMEs have their own competitiveness and value. This research was conducted to determine the
influence of market sensing capabilities, product innovation, and competitive advantage. The sample in this
study is Packaged Processed Food Products MSMEs in Tutur District with a total of 81 MSME units. This
research also uses the WarpPLS 7.0 analysis tool, by looking at the outer model and inner model values.


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How to Cite
Nuraeni, N., & Santia, D. (2024). Market Sensing Capabilities, Inovasi Produk sebagai Peningkatan Competitive Advantage pada UMKM Produk Pangan Olahan Terkemas Kecamatan Tutur. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Kewirausahaan, 12(1), 339 - 348.