Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan 2024-06-22T08:57:29+07:00 Dr. Miftahus Surur, M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal of Education and Entrepreneurship aims to disseminate the results of literature reviews and research results in education with the following focus and scope:<br><strong>Focus:</strong><br>Education and&nbsp;Entrepreneurship<br><strong>Scope:</strong><br>Educational Innovation, Educational Psychology, Primary and Secondary Education, Vocational Education, Curriculum Development, Educational Administration, Learning Community, Early Childhood Education, Models of Learning, Curriculum, Learning Innovation, Vocational Education, Educational technology, Learning technology, Media Education, Virtual Education, Educational Software, Digital Technology in Education, Multimedia Learning, E-Learning, Studies and Research Results on Entrepreneurship</p> Identifikasi Kreatifitas Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Pembelajaran Urutan Angka Melalui Game Sorting 2023-10-03T15:28:00+07:00 Tedjo Darmanto Rama Adi Saputra Raden Muhammad Fadhil <p>Pembelajaran berbasis game yang berkaitan dengan angka seperti bagaimana melakukan pengurutan angka dapat meningkatkan minat belajar melalui metoda pembelajaran gamifikasi melalui permainan game <em>sorting</em>. Bermain tentang bagaimana mengurutkan angka yang dibuat permainan game dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar melalui <em>reward</em> sebagai pemenang permainan yang juga dapat digunakan sebagai sarana identifikasi kreatifitas siswa sekolah dasar kelas satu berdasarkan cara melakukan langkah-langkah permainan. Strategi pemenangan permainan dapat dipersingkat melalui pemilihan antara urut angka menaik atau menurun sebagai moda permainan.</p> 2023-09-05T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Identifikasi Motivasi Belajar Anak Didik Pra-sekolah Melalui Game Pengenalan Bentuk Geometri 2023-10-03T15:35:37+07:00 Arbi Fadilah Akbar Tedjo Darmanto Azhari Azhari <p>Pembelajaran berbasis game yang berkaitan dengan bentuk geometri dapat dikategorikan sebagai <em>seious game</em> yang dapat dipergunakan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar anak didik pra-sekolah. Pada penelitian ini pembelajaran dilakukan melalui game tentang pengenalan obyek berbentuk geometri dan dapat dipilih yang ditampilkan dengan warna-warni yang dapat diubah secara acak dengan urutan tertentu. Motivasi belajar dapat diidentifikasi berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan obyek yang dijadikan acuan pemilihan obyek lainnya agar menjadi serupa.</p> 2023-09-05T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efektifitas Pendidikan Kewirausahaan dalam Meningkatkan Minat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa STIE Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar 2023-10-03T15:41:14+07:00 Riski Aprilianti Baharudin Muh Yahya Elpisah Elpisah <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pendidikan kewirausahaan dalam meningkatkan minat berwirausaha mahasiswa STIE Pembagunan Indoensia Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penenlitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 20 orang mahasiswa program studi manajemen anggatan 2018/2019. Teknik pengumpulan data saat penelitian dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data mengunakan analisis induktif melalui beberapa tahap yaitu pengumpulan data, pengelompokannya, memilih dan memilih data, dan menganalisisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan di STIE Pembagunan Indonesia Makassar masih kurang berjalan efektif. Waktu praktik kewirausahaan yang masih kurang dirasakan oleh mahasiswa, iklim pembelajaran yang masih kurang kondusif, ketersediaan media pembelajaran yang&nbsp; masih terbatas, dan kesiapan mahasiswa mengikuti kuliah kewirausahaan yang masih rendah, 2) minat berwirausaha mahasiswa sebelum memperoleh pendidikan kewirausahaan masih rendah. Rendahnya minat berwirausaha dikarenakan masih banyaknya mahasiswa belum memiliki pengetahuan, informasi, dan pengalaman berwirausaha, 3) Pendidikan kewirausahaan yang diberikan belum efektif dalam meningkatkan minat berwirausaha mahasiswa STIE Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar.</p> 2023-09-05T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efektifitas Strategi Promosi Kripik Singkong Barokah terhadap Hasil Penjualan di Era Pandemi Covid 19 2023-10-10T09:27:28+07:00 Amil Solihin Ahmad Hafas Rasyidi Lisma Dian Kartika Sari <p>Promotional strategy is a strategy used by companies producing goods or services to be launched into the market commercially. Marketing strategy is the determination of policies and plans, goals and objectives that are carried out to achieve the expected final results by researching needs and consumers, producing goods and services, determining price levels, promoting products and distributing products to consumers. The purpose of this study was to determine the promotion strategy of cassava chips on sales results in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Thus, the sales results increased in 2019 by Rp 3.257.500 while in 2020 the sales results were Rp 2.858.000 and finally in 2021 the nominal value was Rp 20.835.000</p> 2023-09-08T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Persepsi Masyarakat tentang Bagi Hasil pada Bank Syariah 2023-10-13T10:02:02+07:00 Mukhammad Angga Setia Putra Deny Yudiantoro <p>This study aimed to determine the perceptions of the Bejijong Village community toward the profit-sharing system at Islamic Banks. This type of research uses a qualitative approach by collecting data on the Bejijong Village community and using library materials (library research). Data collection methods are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis methods, namely reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The knowledge of the people of Beijing Village about profit sharing is still relatively low because apart from not having never been a customer at an Islamic bank, the community also admits that they have received insufficient information or socialization regarding this profit sharing. This lack of understanding is one of the factors influencing the perceptions of most people in Bejijong Village so that they still think or suspect that the profit sharing and interest used by conventional banks are not much different and cause people not to be very interested in using sharia banking services and services.</p> 2023-10-10T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penggunaan Media KOKUBA untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SD 2023-10-13T15:17:02+07:00 Syafaatul Udmah Jayanti Putri Purwaningrum Diana Ermawati <p>Mathematics learning is one of the subjects that is considered difficult, learning without the use of learning media and only the use of lecture learning methods, resulting in low mathematical thinking skills of students. This is based on the results of the precycle carried out with an average score of 50.47 in classical problem solving ability with criteria for needing guidance. The purpose of this study is to improve mathematical problem solving skills and student learning activities in mathematics learning for grade V elementary school students. The method in this study is classroom action research (PTK) with the use of cycles of planning, action, observation and reflection. The results of research using the KOKUBA-assisted an increase in mathematical problem solving ability in cycles I and II, cycle I of 81.56 with good criteria with a percentage of completeness of 81.25% and an increase in cycle II to 91.5 with very good criteria with a percentage of completeness of 93.75%. Based on the research, it was concluded that there was an increase in the ability to solve class V mathematical problems through KOKUBA media.</p> 2023-10-13T10:33:58+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Harga terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Baju “Klambiku.Kids” di Kota Madiun 2023-10-17T15:18:06+07:00 Fania Nur Amalina Mifta Putri Apriliani Tiara Natasia Putri Umma Masruroh Rosyida Nurul Anwar <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of product quality and price on purchasing decisions for "" clothes with icons typical of Madiun culture and art. Variable X is product quality and price, while the dependent variable is the decision to purchase "" clothes. The population of this study was 36 respondents. This research uses the classic assumption test which consists of the normality test, multicolliarity test, heroscadicity test and Multiple Regression Test, t test and f test. The results of product quality research have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Price has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Based on the results of this research, it is known that the price and quality of the product have a significant contribution in attracting consumers' interest in buying clothes with the "Klambiku.Kids" brand. Clothes with icons and typical Madiun culture. Therefore, sellers need to maintain the image that has been formed so far and develop new, different innovations.</p> 2023-10-17T10:17:08+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Manajemen Pengelolaan Humas terhadap Marketing Madrasah di MA KMM Kauman Kota Padang Panjang 2023-10-17T15:18:05+07:00 Meilina Roza <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang: 1) Perencanaan humas di MA KMM Kauman Padang Panjang, 2) Menjelaskan pelaksanaan program kerja humas di MA KMM Kauman Padang Panjang, 3) Menjelaskan bagaimana evaluasi yang dilaksanakan di MA KMM Kauman Padang Panjang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang mengacu kepada model penelitian Sugiyono. Dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan kehumasan di MA KMM Kauman Padang Panjang melibatkan Yayasan, komite dan juga <em>Mudir</em> untuk menetapkan tujuan yang akan dicapai melalui rapat kerja. Perencanaan mulai dilakukan dengan melihat hasil evaluasi dari kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan. 2) Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan, berdasarkan perencanaan yang sudah disepakati. Tim humas membagi kerja sesuai dengan yang diamanahkan oleh kepala humas. Seperti pengelolaan media sosial, brosur dan banner. 3) Evaluasi dilaksanakan sekali seminggu, sekali sebulan, setiap akhir semester, akhir tahun dan setiap kali kegiatan dilaksanakan.</p> 2023-10-17T10:29:50+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Evaluasi Pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan di SMK Pusat Keunggulan Kabupaten Dharmasraya 2023-10-18T15:18:13+07:00 Nelfi Alida Adripen Adripen Muhammad Yusuf Salam Sirajul Munir Jamilus Jamilus <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengevaluasi pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan di SMK Pusat Keunggulan Kabupaten Dharmasraya, mengungkapkan relevansi antara komponen input-proses-output menurut model logika dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan tersebut, serta menganalisis kendala yang dihadapi SMK Pusat Keunggulan Kab. Dharmasraya dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitaif, dimana peneliti mendapatkan data melalui angket yang disebar kepada seluruh guru dan tenaga kependidikan di 2 SMK pelaksana program Pusat Keunggulan (PK). Data angket diolah dengan statistik deskriptif melalui bantuan aplikasi IBM SPSS Statistics 25, selanjutnya peneliti mencoba menggali dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana pemenuhan dari delapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan di SMK Pusat Kenggulan Kabupaten Dharmasraya yaitu, SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Rumbai dan SMK Negeri 1 Koto Baru, serta menganalisis apakah terdapat relevansi antara komponen input, komponen proses dan komponen output dari 8 standar nasional tersebut menurut model logika. Dari data penelitian ditemukan fakta bahwa 2 SMK Pusat Keunggulan di Kabupaten Dharmasraya telah memenuhi standar nasional pendidikan dengan capaian rata-rata pada level baik. Namun tidak terdapat relevansi antara komponen input, komponen proses dan komponen output dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan menurut model logika, hal ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa keduasekolah telah mencapai komponen input yang baik, komponen proses yang baik, namun komponen output masih berada pada level cukup. Selayaknya ketika sekolah telah memiliki kurikulum yang baik, dengan dukungan guru dan tenaga kependidikan yang kompeten serta sarana prasarana yang memadai karena pembiayaan yang baik maka diharapkan proses dan pengelolaan pendidikan akan berjalan dengan baik sampai pada tahap penilaian sehingga menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Namun data peneilitian menunjukkan kompetensi lulusan yang belum seutuhnya baik, hal ini di sebabkan oleh program SMK PK ini baru berjalan 2 tahun dan belum menghasilkan lulusan.</p> 2023-10-18T11:03:31+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Manajemen Program SMK Pusat Keunggulan di SMKN 1 Sungai Rumbai 2023-10-18T15:18:12+07:00 Husni Anwar Sirajul Munir Muhammad Fazis Adripen Adripen David David <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan kegiatan implementasi <em>link and match</em> di SMKN 1 Sungai Rumbai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian studi kasus. <em>Informan</em> penelitian adalah: kepala sekolah, ketua panitia pelaksana Program, kepala konsentrasi keahlian yang diunggulkan, wakil kepalah bidang kurikulum, satu orang panitia Prakerin dan dua orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan cara: triangulasi data, mereduksi data, penyajin data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan SMKN 1 Sungai Rumbai sudah melaksanakan fungsi manajemen dalam melaksanakan Program SMK PK yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan. Perencanaan dilakukan melalui 1) Membedah Keputusan Menteri mengenai <em>link and match</em>, 2) Melakukan kolaborasi dengan tim yang dibentuk khusus untuk program <em>link and match. </em>Tahap pelaksanaan implementasi <em>link and match</em>, SMKN 1 Sungai Rumbai, melakukan delapan kegiatan yang terdiri dari 1). Penyelarasan kurikulum, 2). Kelas Industri, 3). Program Guru Industri, 4). Praktek Kerja Industri, 5). Sertifikasi kompetensi, 6). <em>Update </em>teknologi dari DUDI, 7). Riset terapan, dan 8). Pemberian dana hibah oleh perusahaan dalam bentuk alat praktek siswa. Pada tahap pengawasan terhadap kegiatan <em>link and match</em> di SMKN 1 Sungai Rumbai dilakukan secara internal dan eksternal. Pengawasan internal dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah, sedangkan pengawasan eksternal dilakukan oleh pihak kementerian bidang vokasi.</p> 2023-10-18T11:33:10+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Manajemen Budaya Religius di SD Plus Muhammadiyah Kota Sungai Penuh 2023-11-08T15:26:37+07:00 Irma Zunita Marjoni Imamora Muhammad Fazis <p>The problem that is the background of this research is that Muhammadiyah Elementary School Plus Muhammadiyah City of Sungai Penuh is a school that has only recently become active again because previously it had not been operating because the number of students remained 2 people. In 2020, with the leadership of the new school principal, this school was able to develop and progress very rapidly, and is currently one of the favorite schools in Sungai Penuh City with 260 students. This is due to the advantages that exist in this school, namely religious activities and the inculcation of religious values applied by the school community so that it becomes a religious culture in this school. The purpose of this study was to find out how the management of religious culture at SD Plus Muhammadiyah Kota Sungai Penuh is in order to shape the religious character of students. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study type of <em>research</em>. The process of collecting data is done by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The technique of guaranteeing the validity of the data is by triangulating data sources and triangulating techniques. Data analysis techniques by doing data reduction, data presentation, and verification and draw conclusions. The findings show that: 1) Planning for a religious culture program starts with realizing the vision and mission and goals of the school, 2) Organizing, by forming persons in charge of implementing religious culture by forming daily picket teachers, and coordinators. 3) The implementation of religious culture at Muhammadiyah Elementary School Plus Muhammadiyah Kota Sungai Full. 4) Evaluation of the implementation of religious culture is carried out by means of direct observation or daily reports, with monthly evaluation meetings, and end of semester meetings.</p> 2023-11-08T14:31:57+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran CIRC dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca dan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia pada Siswa Kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar 2023-11-20T15:34:15+07:00 Melania Laura Melati Putri Suhandi Astuti <p>Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilaksanakan ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektifitas model pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition <em>(CIRC) </em>dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa kelas 3 SD Negeri Muncar 01. Adapun jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dan jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu jenis data Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan, dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition <em>(CIRC) </em>peserta didik ditutut untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dalam membaca baik dari sisi indikator pelafalan, kelancaran, intonasi dan kejelasan suara pada saat membaca. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 siklus dalam pelaksanaannya, hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat dari hasil yang diperoleh peserta didik pada siklus I dan siklus II. Penelitian ini dapat dikatakan berhasil dikarenakan adanya peningkatan keterampilan membaca pada siswa yang di tunjukan pada data penelitian tindakan siklus I mencapai rata-rata sebesar 53,5 dan pada data penelitian tindakan siklus II mencapai rata-rata sebesar 66,59 dan hasil belajar peserta didik mencapai ketuntasan 66,59 dari Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yang telah ditentukan yaitu 65. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition <em>(CRIC)</em> dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar.</p> 2023-11-20T14:27:27+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Akuntabilitas Pemimpin Pendidikan Berbasis Agama, Filsafat, Psikologi dan Sosiologi 2023-11-28T15:37:22+07:00 Derry Nugraha Agusti Agusti <p><em>This study aims to describe and analyze the accountability of educational leaders based on religion, philosophy, psychology and sociology. 1). Based on the religion of Allah SWT as a result of an education that is fair, kind, satisfying, not deceptive, not against rules and not self-contradictory. 2). What is philosophically grounded is a moral responsibility to the rules of logical reasoning that arise from educational acts that must be carried out with substantive, sustained, practical, progressive and reconstructive diligence. . 3). Psychology is based on the emotional responsibility of feeling human about something, the correct character, behavior, and educational actions that should be taken in situations. Four). Sociology is grounded in social responsibility to social status through education and must be practiced in ways that meet the functional needs of society and the stratification of political, economic and social status.</em></p> 2023-11-28T11:42:47+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Citraan Puisi di Negeri Amplop pada MK Kajian Puisi Mahasiswa Bahasa Indonesia FKIP UNKHAIR 2023-12-14T15:42:57+07:00 Anwar Nada Sugit Zulianto Justam Wahab <p><em>Imagery is a form of language use that can give a concrete impressions of an object, scene, action, or statement that distinguishes it from abstract expository statements and usually has something to do with symbolism. This is illustrated in the poem "Di Negeri Amplop" by KH. A. Mustofa Bisri which involves 7 elements of poetic imagery. The purpose of this study is (1) to find out how students analyze the image of poetry in the land of KH's envelope. A Mustofa Bisri. (2). To find out the application of poetry learning materials by lecturers. Researchers use descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques include: Observation, Interview, and Documentation. In connection with this, data analysis techniques can be obtained from various sources of books related to poetry. The data analysis techniques data reduction, data display, and verification. </em><em>The results of this study show that students' ability to analyze poetry imagery is still very low. This is related to the method of application in learning is still conventional. Furthermore, it can be argued that imagery is a style of narration that is widely used in literary writing. The image gives an interesting impression to the poem "Di Negeri Envelope" by KH. A. Mustofa Bisri which involves the 7 elements of imagery. In connection with this, the application of literature learning methods must be varied so that students' analytical skills can be improved.</em></p> 2023-12-14T14:47:36+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kontribusi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Produktivitas Publikasi Ilmiah Guru SMA 2023-12-15T15:43:35+07:00 Jamaludin Jamaludin Ridwal Trisoni Elda Herlina Rita Erlinda Demina Demina <p>The role of teachers in education is very strategic as the spearhead of the implementation of education in shaping human resources. To carry out this task, teachers must have various competencies, including pedagogical, personality, social and professional competencies. One indicator of a professional teacher is the ability to make scientific publications. Unfortunately, the number of teachers who can make scientific publications still need to be increased. This study aims to determine the contribution of principal leadership and information literacy skills to the productivity of scientific publications of high school teachers in Limapuluh Kota Regency. The type of research used is correlation research using a quantitative approach. This study involved high school teachers as respondents. Data were collected through research instruments in the form of questionnaires focusing on teachers’ perceptions of principal leadership, information literacy skills, and scientific publication productivity. Data analysis techniques including basic assumption test, classical assumption test, and hypothesis testing were conducted to determine: 1) the contribution of leadership to teacher scientific publication productivity; 2) the contribution of information literacy skills to teacher scientific publication productivity; 3) the contribution of principal leadership together with information literacy skills to teacher scientific publication productivity with simple regression and multiple regression. The research results showed: 1) there is a positive correlation between the principal's leadership and the productivity of teachers' scientific publications with a pearson correlation value of 0.317 and a significance of 0.000 (0.000 &lt; 0.05) with a low degree of relationship criteria; 2) there is a significant contribution between teachers' information literacy skills to the productivity of teachers' scientific publications with a pearson correlation value of 0.228 with low criteria and a significance of 0.009 (0.009, 0.05); Principal leadership and teachers' information literacy skills together simultaneously contribute to the productivity of teachers' scientific publications with a significance value for the effect of principal leadership on the productivity of teachers' scientific publications of 0.002 (0.002, 0.05) and the value of t count = 3.108 (t count&gt; t table 1, 979), and the significance value of the effect of teachers' information literacy skills on the productivity of scientific publications of 0.011 (0.011 &lt; 0.05) and the value of t count = 2.653 &gt; t table 1.979.</p> 2023-12-15T10:35:48+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Refleksi Pragmatisme terhadap Motivasi Belajar Matematika Siswa dalam Logika dan Cinta di Drama Korea 2023-12-15T15:43:34+07:00 Tantya Wulansari Rani Rani Didin Wahidin Eka Firmansyah <p><em>The impact of Covid-19 throughout the world has resulted in a decrease in students' motivation to learn mathematics. At that time , everyone was doing activities at home so students used gadgets to study which resulted in students being exposed to Hallyu. Hallyu is a culture in South Korea. South Korea is one of the countries that is currently the center of attention in cyberspace. In the current Gen Z generation, they prefer actors or artists from that country. This research analyzes the relationship between logic and love in Korean dramas on students' mathematics learning motivation using a pragmatism approach. By watching one of the Korean drama content entitled "Melancholia" as a case study, this research uses qualitative methods with an ethnographic design based on teenagers' mindsets towards education. The results of the analysis show that logic can increase learning motivation in mathematics and help think analytically, while emotional factors such as interpersonal love can influence students' learning motivation. The pragmatism approach is relevant in the context of mathematics education. The implications of this research strengthen students' learning motivation in mathematics education for effective learning. Therefore, logic and love in the Korean drama "Melancholia" can have a positive and negative impact on students' learning motivation in learning mathematics</em></p> 2023-12-15T14:48:06+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Role of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment on Entrepreneurial Skills of Vocational Business Students 2023-12-21T15:46:24+07:00 Samuel Partogi Hasudungan Sinaga Ilham Ilham Misdar Alamsyah Abdul Rohman Nasrudin Yosep Yuswanto Tri Ananda Samsidar Samsidar <p>This research is motivated by the phenomenon of high interest in business <br>vocational students wanting to become entrepreneurs. Related to this study's objective is to <br>examine and gather empirical information on the relationship between college students'<br>Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment at Vocational Business. Business<br>Administration Department students in semesters 2, 4, and 6 participated in this study as <br>respondents at Politeknik Negeri Nunukan. In this case study, 54 Business Administration <br>students were selected as a sample. Based on the purposive sampling technique. Multiple linear <br>regression analysis approaches are used to test the hypothesis in this case study. The findings <br>indicated that Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment all had an impact on <br>Entrepreneurial Skills. This research demonstrates that Entrepreneurial Skills is simultaneously <br>influenced by Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment.</p> 2023-12-21T14:18:14+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Peran dan Tugas Komite Sekolah di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota 2023-12-22T15:46:27+07:00 Yusra Defawati Akhyar Hanif David David Sirajul Munir Muhammad Fazis Asmendri Asmendri <p>Education and learning require collaboration from various aspects, including the involvement of school committees as community representatives in education. The law of education mandates active roles of school committees in improving educational services in schools. However, there are still various problems in implementing the roles and duties of school committees, including constraints in empowerment that still need to be optimally fulfilled in the functions and roles in schools. This research aims to analyze the extent to which the implementation of roles and duties of school committees in Senior High Schools in Limapuluh Kota Regency. The type of research method used is quantitative descriptive with a survey method. This research was conducted at Senior Senior High Schools in Limapuluh Kota Regency, with a sample size of 251 teachers as respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire instrument while the Aiken and the Construct Validity test using <em>Product Moment Correlation</em>. The reliability test was checked using Alpha Cronbash and the technique of data analysis used descriptive statistical methods, specifically calculating percentages based on the data measured using the Likert scale. Based on the research, data were obtained for the four roles of school committees that can be measured numerically. The school committee has proper roles in fulfilling the responsibility as an advisory agency, a supporting agency, a controlling agency, and a mediator agency. The results of this study indicate that the roles and duties of the school committee in Senior High School in Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota already perform good responsibilities. However, there is still a need for efforts to strengthen and enhance the roles and duties of the school committee in Senior High Schools in Limapuluh Kota Regency.</p> 2023-12-21T15:54:04+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Harga dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Loyalitas Distributor Keripik Singkong 2023-12-22T15:46:26+07:00 Muhammad Nasyirudin Bina Andari Sunan Trioko Hendra Agung Wijaya <p>The agricultural sector is the most important sector both in the long term of economic development and for short term economic recovery. Now is a good time to explore thoughts on reorienting agricultural development policies. The agricultural development policy is directed so that agriculture becomes a resilient sector, in the short term able to face the economic crisis, and in the long term able to face globalization with a sustainable agricultural system, in a democratic economic system and in a decentralized government. This research aims to analyze whether price and product quality influence the loyalty of cassava chips distributors. Distributor loyalty is a concern for companies if the product wants to continue to be on the market. The population in this study were cassava chips distributors. The samples taken were 78 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this research was assisted by SPSS version 25. Using a survey research method with a quantitative research type. &nbsp;The results show that price has an effect on distributor loyalty. Product quality has a partial and simultaneous effect on distributor loyalty. Thus the higher the price and quality of the product, the higher the loyalty of the contributor. Thus, UD trigoferous must improve product quality such as increasing product durability. So that the product can be stored longer.</p> 2023-12-22T10:48:12+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Citra Merek terhadap Keputusan Pembelian 2023-12-22T15:46:26+07:00 Nuryanti Nuryanti M. Halim Fawazi Hery Basuki Juanda Angkasa Wati <p><em>Indonesian people have a habit of snacking. This habit opens up business opportunities to produce contemporary food that can be used as a snack between main meals. One food that is familiar to Indonesian people is peanut brittle. However, the current economy is increasingly showing a very rapid pace of competition. So researchers are interested in taking the title The Influence of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions (Case Study of Peyek Mak Nyus Jingglong Sutojayan Blitar Consumers). The research method used is a quantitative method using a survey method. Meanwhile, the data collection technique is by literature study and questionnaires. The population in this research is Peyek Mak Nyus consumers who have purchased in 2022. Data was obtained from consumer records. The sample used was 49 respondents. Sampling was carried out using saturated samples. From the results of data analysis, it can be seen that the t test value is 0.000, which shows that there is an influence of brand image on purchasing decisions for Peyek Mak Nyus Jingglong consumers, Blitar Regency.</em></p> 2023-12-22T14:27:01+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Parenting Program in Overcoming the Negative Influence of Information Technology on Students 2023-12-22T15:46:25+07:00 Imam Saerozi Supriyono Supriyono Nik Haryanti Siti Marpuah <p>The aim of the research is to describe the efforts and approaches of parenting programs in overcoming the negative influence of information technology at Islamic Vocational School 02 Durenan Trenggalek. The method used to conduct this research is based on the location of the data source, including the field research category, with a qualitative research type. The research design is a case study. Data collection methods use observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is carried out starting from data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the parenting program's efforts to overcome the negative influence of information technology on Class an and Al-Hadith. 2) Schools together with parents guide students to behave in a healthy direction which can help them choose alternative behavior that will bring maximum benefits to students in determining their choice of good social interactions, likes to help, loves the weak and respects other people. 3) School together with parents provides a good example. The approach taken by the parenting program in overcoming the negative influence of information technology on Class through a habituation approach to moral character, b) exemplary, by giving students an example to follow the example of the Prophet's morals, c) according to the characteristics of the student, even if possible, calling the parents and students to the office in order to successfully overcome these negative influences. 2) A group approach, namely: a) the school provides guidance in the guidance and counseling room to students who are negatively impacted by information technology, b) the school gathers students who violate school rules to provide counseling regarding the positive and negative benefits of information technology.</p> 2023-12-22T15:45:46+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Program Sekolah Penggerak di SMAN 1 Tilatang Kamang 2023-12-27T15:48:38+07:00 Lisa Lazwardi Suswati Hendriani M. Haviz Ridwal Trisoni Fadriati Fadriati <p><em>Sekolah Penggerak</em> Program is one of the education recovery steps taken by the government. In the implementation of this program, there are five interventions, namely consultative and asymmetrical assistance, improving school human resources, new paradigm learning, data-based planning and school digitalization. Among the five interventions, new paradigm learning is the main focus of schools. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the <em>Sekolah Penggerak</em> Program at SMAN 1 Tilatang Kamang on new paradigm learning which includes differentiated learning, a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila of the students and the process of grade increment and subject selection in class XI. The type of research conducted is qualitative research with case study method. The place of research at SMAN 1 Tilatang Kamang in May to June 2023 conducted by the researcher as the main instrument of research. The data collected through interview, observation and documentation study techniques. The collected data analyzed with the stages of reduction, representation, and drawing conclusions. Data validity was tested using data source triangulation techniques. The results revealed that the school implements <em>Sekolah Penggerak</em> program by focusing on new paradigm learning, namely the implementation of differentiated learning, the project of strengthening sutedents’ profile of Pancasila and conducting the grade increment process as well as the selection of subjects that apply the principles of child-centered learning. Differentiated learning is implemented with three strategies: content differentiation, process differentiation and product differentiation. The determination of differentiated learning strategies is based on data mapping children's learning readiness obtained from diagnostic assessments. The Strengthening Profile of Pancasila Project of Students is implemented with a one-day project scheduling system every week.&nbsp; The process of implementation the project from preparation to assessment is designed based on the themes and profile dimensions set by the facilitation team. The grade increment system from grade X in phase E to grade XI in phase F is based on the achievement of learning objectives and the completion of the project theme in that grade. The selection of elective subjects in grade XI is based on the child's talents, interests, and readiness then the selection process is carried out freely and refers to the results of the child's diagnostic test. Children are given the opportunity to change their elective subjects in the first semester of grade XI by considering the child's learning progress and psychological condition.</p> 2023-12-27T11:14:37+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Market Sensing Capabilities, Inovasi Produk sebagai Peningkatan Competitive Advantage pada UMKM Produk Pangan Olahan Terkemas Kecamatan Tutur 2024-06-22T08:57:29+07:00 Nuraeni Nuraeni Devta Argu Santia <p>The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has notified all countries that one-third of the global<br>economy will experience an economic recession this year. The global economic recession is expected to<br>occur due to the slowing economies of the United States (US), the European Union, and China. In facing an<br>economic recession, there is one economic actor that is expected to be the savior of the country&amp;#39;s economy,<br>namely Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSMEs of oilahan teirkeimas food products are<br>MSMEs that produce processed products from plantations, agriculture, and livestock. This is very<br>supportive of the Tutur District area which is rich in crops and livestock, so that packaged processed food<br>products MSMEs have their own competitiveness and value. This research was conducted to determine the<br>influence of market sensing capabilities, product innovation, and competitive advantage. The sample in this<br>study is Packaged Processed Food Products MSMEs in Tutur District with a total of 81 MSME units. This<br>research also uses the WarpPLS 7.0 analysis tool, by looking at the outer model and inner model values.</p> 2024-01-11T15:57:18+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Teachers’ Manners in Language Use and Classroom Management Interaction in Senior High School 2024-01-17T16:15:40+07:00 Mastur Thoyib <p><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this paper is to investigate the teachers’ manners in language use and classroom management interaction in senior high school. A descriptive research design was adopted in this study. The purpose of this study is to address the research questions, "How are the teachers’ manner in language use in the classroom, and how are the management interactions in the second language classroom?" This study included two instructors from a private SMK in Bogor District as participants. The data collection instrument consists of three questions that teachers must answer. The results demonstrate that home language is an important aspect of language use in the classroom. Furthermore, teachers feel that using role play and creating pair workgroups is vital for teacher-student engagement in the classroom. As a result, it can assist teachers in teaching English as a foreign language in the classroom to become much more successful and communicative. In addition, teachers should behave well in the classroom by smiling, being positive, and being relaxed. The students will benefit from this by having a good day and feeling comfortable while studying English. Additionally, teachers should dress professionally in the classroom to uphold their dignity and the pupils' respect.</span></p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pendidikan bagi Penyandang Disabilitas di Kota Bandung 2024-01-26T19:42:44+07:00 Anshori Daulatul Islam Ferry Timorochmadi M.Y. Fakhrudin Ricky Yoseptry Teti Ratnawulan Neni Sri Rahayu <p>Data shows that efforts to fulfill educational rights for people with disabilities are still not optimal. This can be seen from statistical data published by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture in June 2022, the number of people with disabilities among children aged 5-19 years reached around 3.3%. According to data from the Bandung City Social Service, it shows that in Bandung City there are more than 8,600 people with disabilities. If we refer to the Ministry of Education and Culture's data that only 12.26% of people with disabilities have received education, then only around 1,032 people with disabilities have received their right to education. The aim of this research is to determine the fulfillment of educational needs for people with disabilities in Bandung City and to determine the implementation of the policy for fulfilling education for people with disabilities in education units. The method applied in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The research location is at the Bandung City Education Office, Jl. A. Yani No. 239, Merdeka, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Bandung City, West Java 40113 and Al-Biruni Science Elementary School, Komp. Bumi Panyileukan Jl. Raya Panyileukan No.11, Cipadung Kidul, Kec. Panyileukan, Bandung City, West Java 40614. The conclusions of this research are (1) the Education Office has issued a policy regarding meeting the educational needs of people with disabilities in Bandung City and (2) the education unit has implemented this policy by accommodating the acceptance of students with special needs (PDBK).</p> 2024-01-26T11:14:04+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Manajemen Strategik dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di SMK YP79 Majalaya Kabupaten Bandung 2024-01-29T19:44:39+07:00 Alien Silviani Susan Marisan Ricky Yoseptry Nia Zulfa Septia Noer Teti Ratnawulan <p>This research is motivated by educational problems faced by the Indonesian nation, namely the low quality of educational education at every level and educational unit. An education unit can be said to be of quality if it can deliver students in developing abilities and shaping the character and civilization of a dignified nation in order to educate the nation's life in accordance with the objectives of national education as stated in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system (Sisdiknas) article 3. Strategic management is an important thing to do to improve the quality of education by analyzing internal and external factors through SWOT analysis. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the Implementation of Strategic Management in Improving the Quality of Education. This research uses a qualitative approach with Descriptive Analytical method at SMK YP79 Majalaya, Bandung Regency. Strategic Implementation at SMK YP79 Majalaya implements Edward Deming's management function, namely the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check. Act). The results of the study are: 1) SMK YP79 Majalaya applies strategic management according to the National Education Standard (SNP) in accordance with the characteristics of effective and quality-oriented schools, 2) In designing strategic education at SMK YP79 Majalaya is carried out by identifying the internal and external environment of the school using the SWOT analysis method, 3) SMK YP79 Majalaya involves all stakeholders both the role of the principal, teachers, and committees.</p> 2024-01-29T13:07:35+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peran PKBM dalam Meningkatkan Pendidikan di Daerah Pinggiran Kota 2024-01-31T19:44:43+07:00 Abdul Rahman Andi Suhandi Novalia Nurlaela Ricky Yoseptry Teti Ratnawulan Premeilani Premeilani <p>People in the suburbs have the same opportunities as city people. The emergence of the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) as a non-formal education institution that is proactive in responding to community learning needs. By empowering community potential, PKBM is expected to become an instrument that encourages educational progress. The aim of this research is to find out all the learning processes at PKBM Hidayah which include: Planning, Organizing, Implementing, Evaluation, supporting and inhibiting factors, and efforts to improve. The research method uses qualitative descriptive research because the author wants to thoroughly understand the role of PKBM in improving the quality of education in the suburbs. The results of this research are described as follows: 1. Planning can be seen from the major programs taken, namely reducing illiteracy and providing skills to students. 2. Organizing, seen from the division of tasks starting from the head of the foundation who appoints the person in charge of each program, followed by appointing assistant teachers in each program by synchronizing each activity to suit the needs of the community. 3. Implementation, as evidenced by the number of Package C graduates who got jobs in the Bojongsoang sub-district government, 4. Evaluation has been ongoing, as seen by the increase in the Bojongsoang sub-district community graduate index. 5. Supporting and inhibiting factors, obstacles related to expert professional teaching staff are still few, 6. Efforts are focused on two things, namely eradicating illiteracy and providing skills.</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Multikultural pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA Abdi Negara Binjai 2024-02-02T19:44:48+07:00 Nuraini Gultom Sakban Lubis <p>Pendidikan multikultural bagi bangsa indonesia merupakan bagian dari keberagaman di Indonesia. Pengajaran pendidikan agama Islam (PAI) dalam konteks pendidikan multikultural sangat penting dalam membangun sikap toleransi peserta didik di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Multikultural dan bagaimana faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dari implementasi pendidikan multikultural. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Abdi Negara Binjai, Kota Binjai. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kualitatif studi kasus, sumber data guru, kepala sekolah, dan peserta didik. Data penelitian diperoleh dari observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penarikan kesimpulan. Setelah dilakukan penelitian secara menyeluruh tentang Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Multikultural Pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA Abdi Negara Binjai dapat disimpulkan bahwa:Pendidikan multikultural ini bertujuan menciptakan saling menghargai (toleransi) dan salah satu harapan sekolah mendukung adanya multikultural di lingkungan sekolah Sehingga mempermudah guru dalam proses penyampaian materi kepada peserta didik. Hal ini diharapkan agar peserta didik saling menghargai, toleransi, dan tindakan peserta didik terhadap perbedaan agama, ras, dan budaya di lingkungan sekolah.</p> 2024-02-02T12:09:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Video Wawancara dan Kisah Sukses Pengusaha terhadap Pengenalan Peluang Bisnis 2024-02-05T19:50:21+07:00 Puji Prabowo <p>The Business Incubator at the University is tasked with providing support to increase the business capacity of its members. In this case, the business incubator tries to improve the ability of business owners to analyze business opportunities through video profile interviews and business success stories from entrepreneurs. This is useful for the business incubator team to be able to provide support to improve the entrepreneurial skills of business students who are developing their business to the next stage. The results of this research aim to see the influence of video interviews and entrepreneur success stories on the ability to see business opportunities. This research was conducted at one of the business incubators at the University in Bandung City, Indonesia. This research used a quantitative approach and SmartPLS to analyze data from the 205 respondents involved. The research results show that there is a significant influence of entrepreneurs' success stories on the ability of business owners to see and obtain business opportunities. However, video interviews have not shown a significant impact, so the business incubator can maximize business success stories in generating ideas so that students who have businesses can explore business potential.</p> 2024-02-05T15:28:23+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah, Disiplin dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru Matematika MTs Negeri Se-Kabupaten Tanah Datar 2024-02-10T19:54:09+07:00 Rossi Mira Adripen Adripen Dona Afriyani <p>Teacher performance is a learning process as an effort to develop existing activities into better activities so that teacher goals have been achieved well through a learning activity carried out by the teacher by the targets and objectives. The method used in this study is the correlational quantitative research method. This correlational quantitative research method aims to explain a phenomenon by utilizing numbers that describe the characteristics of the subject under study. This research was conducted in MTs Negeri throughout Tanah Datar Regency. The population in the study was MTs mathematics teachers in Tanah Datar Regency as many as 100 people—sampling technique simple random sampling technique or simple random sample, for data analysis techniques use the Normality Test, Homogeneity Test, Linearity Test, Multicollinearity Test, Autocorrelation Test, Heterokedacity Test, Simple Linear Regression, and Multiple Linear Regression. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the leadership of the head of the madrasah and the performance of mathematics teachers of MTs Negeri Se-Kabupaten Tanah Datar. There is a significant influence between work disciplines on the performance of MTs State mathematics teachers in Tanah Datar District. There is a significant influence between work motivation and the performance of MTs Negeri mathematics teachers in Tanah Datar District. There is a significant influence between the leadership of the head of the madrasah, discipline, and motivation of teacher work on the performance of mathematics teachers MTs Negeri Se-Kabupaten Tanah Datar.</p> 2024-02-10T11:31:34+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##