Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains dan Teknologi2025-02-19T21:44:54+07:00Dr. Miftahus Surur, M.Pdsurur.miftah99@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>The purpose of this journal publication is to spread conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of education. Writing forms favour the reader's ease to see the applied research methods, processing and data analysis, discussion of the main theories underlying, and recommendations submitted based on the results of the study.<br>Focus and Scope:<br>Research on Education, Literature Review on Education, Qualitative, Quantitative and Mix Method, Development and implementation of learning models, Development of teaching materials, Instructional Technology, Policy Analysis of Education, Online Learning, Media for Learning, Instructional Strategy and Model for Learning </p> MODUL AJAR IPA BERBASIS PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH SISWA KELAS IX SMP NEGERI 4 MANDREHE UTARA2025-02-09T21:43:29+07:00Lusia Zebualusizebua01@gmail.comAgnes Renostini Harefalusizebua01@gmail.comDesman Telaumbanualusizebua01@gmail.comToroziduhu<p>Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan peserta didik dalam memecahkan masalah yang dibahas dalam pembelajaran IPA<em>, </em>kurangnya sumber bahan belajar peserta didik, dan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik masih dalam kriteria cukup. Tujuan penelitian: (1) Mengetahui nilai rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik di kelas kontrol, (2) Mengetahui nilai rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik di kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan modul ajar IPA berbasis <em>Problem Based Learning</em>, (3) Menentukan ada tidaknya pengaruh modul ajar IPA berbasis <em>Problem Based Learning</em> terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain <em>quasy eksperimen</em>. Populasi penelitian yaitu peserta didik kelas IX dengan jumlah 38 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu tes hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian: (1) Nilai rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik di kelas kontrol pada tes akhir yaitu 67,50 dengan kriteria cukup. (2) Nilai rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik di kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan modul ajar IPA berbasis <em>Problem Based Learning</em> pada tes akhir yaitu 80,39 dengan kriteria baik. (3) Hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai t<sub>hitung</sub> = 4,576 dan nilai t<sub>tabel</sub> sebesar 1,689 karena nilai t<sub>hitung</sub> = 4,576 lebih besar dari nilai t<sub>tabel</sub> = 1,680 maka terima H<sub>a</sub> dan tolak H<sub>0</sub> yang artinya “ada pengaruh modul ajar IPA berbasis <em>Problem Based Learning</em> terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah SMP Negeri 4 Mandrehe Utara” pada taraf signifikan adalah 5% (α=0,05)</p>2025-02-09T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBEKALAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP DALAM MEMBENTUK JIWA WIRAUSAHA MUDA YANG KOMPETITIF, KREATIF, DAN INOVATIF2025-02-14T21:44:36+07:00Irham Muhammad<p>manajemen pembekalan entrepreneurship yang efektif dalam membentuk jiwa wirausaha muda yang kompetitif, kreatif, dan inovatif. Fokus penelitian dibatasi pada proses dan output manajemen pembekalan, yang mencakup perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi program pembekalan entrepreneurship. Melalui pendekatan yang terstruktur, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pasar terkait kompetensi kewirausahaan dan mengevaluasi program pembekalan yang ada. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi teoritis dalam pengembangan manajemen pendidikan serta manfaat praktis bagi lembaga pendidikan, pengambil kebijakan, calon wirausaha muda, dan pelaku industri. Program ini juga dirancang untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta, khususnya dalam bidang kopi dan barista, sehingga mereka dapat berkontribusi pada pembangunan ekonomi dan menciptakan ekosistem kewirausahaan yang inovatif. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini berperan penting dalam mempersiapkan generasi muda untuk menghadapi tantangan di dunia usaha dan meningkatkan daya saing mereka di pasar.</p>2025-02-14T14:43:55+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ORANG TUA DALAM MENINGKATKAN HUBUNGAN EMOSIONAL UNTUK MENCEGAH DEGRADASI MORAL PESERTA DIDIK SMK WIRAKARYA 2 CIPARA2025-02-14T21:44:37+07:00Fitria Faizah Aprillia<p>Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di SMK Wirakarya 2 bertujuan untuk mencegah degradasi moral peserta didik melalui pendekatan yang bertahap dan berkelanjutan. Pihak sekolah menyadari pentingnya program-program yang mendukung pencegahan degradasi moral, salah satunya adalah inisiasi program sekolah yang berfokus pada hal tersebut. Selain itu, program parenting untuk orang tua diperkenalkan sebagai langkah strategis untuk mendukung perkembangan moral peserta didik. Orang tua diharapkan aktif terlibat dalam proses tumbuh kembang anak dengan menanamkan akhlak sejak dini. Pada usia remaja, khususnya saat anak berada di tingkat SMK, hubungan emosional antara orang tua dan anak harus terus dijaga melalui komunikasi yang baik, kedekatan, dan penyelesaian masalah bersama. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kolaborasi antara sekolah dan orang tua memiliki peran penting dalam membangun moral peserta didik.</p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## URBAN HEAT ISLAND DI KOTA BANDUNG2025-02-15T08:07:04+07:00Gildan Kantona Hamdanigkantona@gmail.comViona Dika Rikumahuvionadika56@gmail.comFabio Esa Putrafabioesaput@gmail.comChivilya<p>The Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon is defined as an increase in temperature in urban areas that is higher than the temperature in surrounding rural areas. In Indonesia, Bandung Municipality is one of the urban areas that is indicated to experience an increase in surface temperature due to the rapid pace of development. Therefore, this study will review the existing literature on the phenomenon of UHI. Subsequently, the phenomenon is identified through an examination of the spatial pattern of surface temperature and vegetation density values in Bandung Municipality. The analysis was conducted using Landsat 8 images, which were then processed with a GIS program to generate Land Surface Temperature (LST) maps and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps. The results of this study indicate that Bandung Municipality experienced an increase in surface temperature from 2018 to 2022. This finding aligns with the observed reduction in vegetation density in Bandung City in 2022. Additionally, the rise in population and anthropogenic activities in urban areas contribute to the observed increase in surface temperature in Bandung Municipality.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KEWIRAUSAHAAN BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI LULUSAN SMK NEGERI 1 CIBADAK SUKABUMI2025-02-14T21:44:35+07:00Ricky Irianitimur.iriani@gmail.comTatang Sutarjotatenjaco09@gmail.comBarri Mochamad<p>In the era of disruption, marked by a significant phenomenon of rapid change and characterized by the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, there has been a profound impact on the workforce, particularly in West Java Province. This aligns with a groundbreaking regulation by the provincial government concerning the establishment of Vocational High Schools (SMK), currently totaling 2,905, and Job Training Institutions (LPK), amounting to 3,170. The primary aim is to create a productive workforce and reduce unemployment rates. This community service activity was conducted at SMKN 1 Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency. The goal of the program was to enhance the knowledge and skills of students at SMKN 1 Cibadak, shaping a resilient and competitive younger generation in the workforce (DUDIKA). The program also sought to develop students' self-potential, creativity, and entrepreneurial character through improved Information Technology competencies and English literacy. The <strong>Learning Journey Canvas</strong> method was utilized to design and visualize the learning process, while simulation techniques were employed for IT-based English literacy and entrepreneurship training. The expected outcome is that students of SMKN 1 Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, will acquire proficient entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, enabling them to compete and adapt within DUDIKA. Additionally, they are expected to develop their potential, creativity, and entrepreneurial character while effectively utilizing Information Technology and English proficiency to support their readiness for work, further studies, or entrepreneurship (BMW)</p>2025-02-14T20:26:20+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## BAHAN AJAR E-BOOK PRAKTIKUM AKUNTANSI LEMBAGA/INSTANSI PEMERINTAHAN BERBASIS ANDROID DENGAN PENDEKATAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING SEBAGAI SUMBER BELAJAR ALTERNATIF2025-02-18T21:44:43+07:00Ayun Danang<p>The achievement of learning objectives is supported by using appropriate teaching materials. E-books, a type of digital teaching material that utilizes technology in the field of education, can be used as an alternative to improve learning outcomes. This study aims to create an android-based teaching material product using a problem-based learning approach (Problem-Based Learning) for accounting practicum material for government institutions or agencies, analyze whether teaching materials are feasible to use, and analyze how students respond to the teaching materials developed. The type of research used is the R&D (Research and Development) model with the 4D model developed by Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel. This model consists of four stages: defining, designing, developing, and disseminating." There was no dissemination stage in this study due to researcher limitations. Quantitative and qualitative analysis were used to classify different types of data. The results showed that the criteria obtained were very feasible based on the average results of the feasibility of the material, linguistic, and graphical aspects of the experts' validation. The results of product trials on students in class XI of Financial and Institutional Accounting Vocational Schools reached very well-understood criteria.</p> <p> </p>2025-02-18T11:34:18+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL MELALUI BUDAYA SUNDA DEGUNGAN PADA PROYEK PENGUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA DI SDN MARGALUYU KECAMATAN CUGENANG2025-02-19T21:44:54+07:00Novi Silvia Yuni<p>This study aims to describe the implementation of character education management based on the Sundanese Degungan culture at SDN Margaluyu, Cugenang District. The research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, enabling an in-depth understanding of the planning, implementation, and impact of applying the Sundanese Degungan culture on strengthening students' character. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies, gathering information from various sources, such as the school principal, teachers, and students. The results show that the application of Sundanese Degungan culture at SDN Margaluyu has a positive impact on strengthening students' character, particularly in the dimensions of gotong royong (mutual cooperation), creativity, and independence. The character education management process involves various parties and is carried out in an environment that supports the formation of character in line with local values. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing to provide an accurate description of the implementation of character education based on local culture at the school</p>2025-02-19T10:13:58+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## TIKTOK FOR ENHANCING SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' UNDERSTANDING OF LEARNING GRAMMAR: A QUALITATIVE STUDY2025-02-19T21:44:54+07:00Yuliana Rachmawatiyuravrilla@gmail.comSt. Shabibatul<p>Linguistic proficiency in grammar constitutes a critical element of communicative competence, enabling precise and nuanced verbal expression. Consequently, grammar learning within Indonesian educational frameworks represents a pivotal pedagogical objective integrated into curricular design for secondary school students, particularly through qualitative approaches in educational technology and social media phenomenon study. However, there are still many intermediate students who still have difficulty understand learning grammar. TikTok is the solution to become a grammar learning preference, almost all students use TikTok. The research uses qualitative methods that focus on the study of phenomena. Data collection uses observation, reflective journals, interviews, and document analysis. The findings reveal that students perceive TikTok as a highly engaging and enjoyable medium for learning grammar. The platform's short, visually appealing, and interactive videos enable students to grasp grammatical concepts more effectively in a relaxed and informal environment. Additionally, students reported an increase in motivation and confidence in applying grammar rules in both written and spoken English. These insights suggest that TikTok can serve as a valuable supplementary tool for grammar education, fostering independent learning and improving overall language proficiency in a digital age.</p>2025-02-19T11:23:05+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PROGRAM SMK PUSAT KEUNGGULAN (SMK PK) MELALUI DUNIA INDUSTRI DAN DUNIA KERJA (IDUKA) DI SMK NEGERI PERTANIAN PEMBANGUNAN CIANJUR2025-02-19T21:44:53+07:00Yosal Ma’<p> The SMK Centre of Excellence program present aims to produce competent and highlighted graduates by the working world of its competent graduates can be superior to its discretion. This study is a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a research method that describes the object of research by the obtained in the field to obtain maximum results, this study uses data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation as a reference to obtain the desired results. The result of this research is (1)SMKN PP Cianjurimplement eight vocational programs excellence centers by cooperating with IDUKI, speakers from the branch of education department of Region VI, University of Bandung, and BMTI as the companion of vocational center of excellence. As well as using methods adapted to the type of activity. (2) partners who cooperate with SMKN PP Cianjur CV. Dejee fish, PT Suritani Pemuka, BBPBAT Sukabumi, BBPPMPV Cianjur, Pt. Aquatech Indo, Jd Grosir, Poktan Titipan Ilahi, Poktan Tani Makmur The form of cooperation between schools and partners such as link and match cooperation, teacher training, implementation of competency test, and absorption of graduation. (3)the impact of the vocational program center of excellence is the increasing number of teachers who have certificates, of Competence, Improve the facilities and infrastructure of IDUKA standards, can use the digital platform, and can increase partnership with IDUKA.</p>2025-02-19T12:38:17+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##